Highland Pool Rules
Highland Aquatics Pool Rules revised for 2025 season
Pool Operations
The Homeowner’s Association provides and maintains the pool facilities for the mutual enjoyment of resident and non-resident pool members. Pool privileges are subject to compliance with all pool rules and remaining current with all homeowner’s association dues or full payment of non-resident pool membership dues. All or a portion of these dues are used for the upkeep and maintenance of the facilities.
All entrants must have a valid electronic pool membership card (1 per person) and may be required to show photographic identification (driver’s license or acceptable alternative) at the entry gate before access to the pool area will be granted. Failure to swipe and/or show your access card and photo ID if requested will result in entry being denied. NO MEMBERSHIP CARD, NO ENTRY. Membership cards will be issued after registering online or obtaining membership in person.
Entrance to the premises or facilities constitutes acknowledgement that all swimming is at your own risk as lifeguards may not be present.
The stated hours of operation are:
Monday: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Tuesday: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Wednesday: 10:00am – 8:00pm
Thursday: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Friday: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am – 11:00 pm
Sunday: 10:00 pm – 8:00 pm
The hours of operation are subject to change without notice and/or when school is in session. Weather events may cause pool closure to keep swimmers safe. The pool closes promptly at 8:00 pm each evening, and the pool staff will announce the pool closing fifteen (15) minutes in advance. At this time, all individuals must exit the pool and prepare to leave the pool facilities. All resident and non-resident members and their guests will leave by 8:00 pm. The gates will be closed and locked at 8pm and further entry is prohibited.
Entering the pool facilities outside of the hours of operation is prohibited and will be considered trespassing. Any person(s) caught trespassing will forfeit resident or non-resident pool membership rights for the remainder of the calendar year and will lose the right to financial remuneration. In addition to homeowner’s association sanctions, any person(s) caught trespassing may be reported to the appropriate authorities for civil and/or criminal proceedings.
Pool Rules
Failure to abide by the following rules is considered a violation of the pool usage agreement and may result in disciplinary sanctions based on the nature, frequency, and severity of the violation.
1. Any behavior which is potentially harmful, damaging or abusive toward another person or property or willfully negligent is prohibited.
2. Children under four (4) years of age, as well as any child not potty trained, must wear snug fitting plastic pants or a water-resistant swim diaper.
3. Children under sixteen (16) years of age shall not use the pool facilities without an adult eighteen (18) years of age or older in attendance at all times.
4. Unattended solo bathing is prohibited.
5. There is no tobacco use permitted within the pool gates. (Except for designated areas)
6. No running, fighting or rough play allowed in the pool facilities.
7. No spitting, spouting of water or blowing nose in pool.
8. The use of profane language is prohibited.
9. No pets allowed inside the pool gates.
10. No glass articles allowed within the pool facilities.
11. No food, drink or wrappers shall be permitted in the swimming pool.
12. Proper bathing attire is required; no "cut-offs", violent or offensive clothing or other prohibited attire is allowed.
Pool Etiquette
Lounge chairs, tables and umbrellas are provided for the convenience and enjoyment of residents, members, and their guests within the pool facilities. Out of courtesy and respect to others, pool furniture cannot be reserved by or for residents, members or guests not present within the pool facilities. Additionally, the use of lounge chairs is limited to two (2) chairs per resident or member during holiday weekends or periods of peak usage or as determined by pool staff. Residents and members may, at their own risk, bring a lawn chair.
Pool floats may be used in the pool at the discretion of pool staff and subject to the occupancy level. The use of oversized pool floats is always prohibited.
A waterslide is provided for the enjoyment of resident and non-resident members subject to usage restrictions. Operation of the waterslide will be managed by pool staff and any use of the waterslide is subject to the determination of the staff. In support of safe operations, only one person is permitted on the water slide at a time. During operation, swimming will be prohibited in the waterslide exit area and all persons are required to immediately exit the area. When the slide is running, all persons must remain on the "safe side" of the rope.
Propane grills are available for use within the pool facilities by residents and members and must be reserved through the pool manager or designee(s). There is no charge for the use of community grills by residents. A charge of $15 will be assessed for non-resident members. In consideration of others, please notify the gate attendant of a low propane gas level.
Guest Policy
Guests are permitted upon the following guidelines. A resident guest is someone who does NOT reside in the registered home. A member guest is NOT listed as a family member on the members list. Residents may bring 4 guests in addition to the household. Members may bring 2 guests in addition to those on the members list. You may be required to declare to the guards your guests to enforce this policy.
Violations of Rules and Regulations
Violation of a rule or regulation may result in the following:
· First Occurrence – forfeiture of pool membership rights for the remainder of the day
· Second Occurrence – forfeiture of pool membership rights for one (1) week
· Third Occurrence – forfeiture of resident or non-resident pool membership rights for the remainder of the calendar year and no right to financial remuneration.
Especially serious violations including, but not limited to, harmful, damaging, or abusive behavior towards another person or property, willfully negligent behavior, or a failure to use required swim attire for hygienic purposes may result in one of the above actions or an immediate suspension of pool membership rights and a referral to the homeowner’s association for review. Decisions by the homeowner’s association are not subject to appeal.
The Highlands Pool Manager and Lifeguards reserve the right to eject or refuse entry to anyone, at any time for any reason.